Photos: © Markus Krottendorfer
Ištvan Išt Huzjan’s artistic approach is based on the design of paths and routes, which he uses to probe the distance between people and spaces, but also to shed light on movement patterns between places and the kinds of motion involved. Many of his projects provide information about relationships among individuals, societal structures, and inherent historical or geographical relations. Photographs are the ephemeral material that bears witness to specific places or culturally driven actions. These pictures arranged in series are at times accompanied, in the form of land surveying, by objects as added elements.
The exhibition at Camera Austria shows a number of Huzjan’s performative works, which he made based on invitations by various curators and exhibition venues. These works focus on the artist as a protagonist in that Huzjan conflates spatial and temporal moments, consciously directing their progression. Documentation and representation are points of reference localizing the subject on different planes of time and space. The work A Poem Between Us, created during the pandemic, is being shown for the very first time at Camera Austria, and it also lends its name to the exhibition title.